Home Visit:
£40 or £35 per person for two or more people at the same address.
Nursing Home Visits:
Please phone or email for prices.
Workplace Podiatry:
Please phone or email for prices.
Please note that we do not currently have a credit card facility, so please pay with either a cheque or cash.
Receipts can be provided if you need to reclaim money from private health insurance companies.
mus vel sapien. Praesent nisl tortor, laoreet eu, dapibus quis, egestas non, mauris. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Nullam eleifend pharetra felis. Mauris nibh velit, tristique.
Workplace Podiatry
Longer working hours mean that many people requiring podiatry treatment are unable to access it without taking time off work. Rachael can visit your place of work with the agreement of your employer to treat a number of people. The cost is less than clinic appointments and receipts can be provided if you need to reclaim money from private health insurance companies.
Workplace podiatry takes 30 minutes per person and increases productivity as the employee is back at his/her desk within 35 minutes. All that is required is a room with good light, access to a sink, an office chair without wheels and your feet!
Everything else is provided, so if you want to leave work feeling like you are 'walking on air' ask your employer to arrange a workplace podiatry day.